Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Watchmen is gonna suck.

Yup. I just watched a scene from the new film and I can confidently say it is going to suck. I can tell by the score, the acting, and the general feel the director failed to capture the essence of the book. For those wondering, the novel is amazing and a must read... but the all while reading the book I was thinking, "I would hate to have to adapt this." It's simply to large in scale to work as a single film. I also don't find it really all that marketable. Sure it has a huge fan base, but not like Batman, and I don't see it making the jump into mainstream. The heroes look kind of lame. They look very outdated (which makes sense in context to the book)

For the film i know this. It's director by the guy who did Dawn of the Dead and 300. The casting for the majority is horrible. It has been kept very secret and not given an advanced screening (bad sign) And even fanboys are refusing to comment on wether it was bad or good. This film has all the makings of a disaster.

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