Thursday, April 03, 2008

Fairy Tales are FUCKED UP!

Wanna know how to screw up your child's precious little minds for the rest of their lives? Just tell them Fairy Tales. It doesn't even really matter which one, as they are all equally scary and sadistic. Don't believe me?

Lets look at Rumplestillskin. This is probably the most horrific story I ever heard. First off this woman is locked in a room, basically a sweatshop, and is not allowed to leave until she turns hey into fucking gold! Thats not even possible! At least all these kids have to do is sew a couple of Nike checks on a shoe and they can leave. Imagine someone locking you in a room and not allowing you to leave until you performed something impossible. So all of a sudden this demon/troll/gnome appears and makes a deal with her. He wants to take her baby. Why the hell does this dwarf want a baby?! Is he going to eat it? Is he a child molester? Any the only way to get the child back is by guessing his name? What the hell kind of messed up story is this? What lesson is to be learned here?!

Thats not the only one. What about Hansel and Gretel? Some old woman cannibal living in the woods literally tries to cook them alive and eat them. I don't know about you but that left a bad lasting image on me as a kid. Don't wander off in the woods because they're are old cannibals living there.

There's even more...Little Red Riding Hood. Her grandmother is eaten by a wolf who then dresses up in her bloody clothes and poses as her. What?! And I'm pretty sure the whole lesson of The Gingerbread Man was to "Not Trust Anyone". The verdict is this...FUCK FAIRY TALES!

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