Friday, August 14, 2009


Fuck.... its 6 Am in the morning and I have not slept yet. My tooth is throbbing and killing me. I feel like bashing my head through a window or tying a knot to the tooth and connecting it to a doorknob. This is the first toothache I have ever had and boy does it suck a lot.... I'm about to go and find some pliers. My wisdom teeth came in a while ago but I ignored them and no problems arose from them. Then one day the one kind of broke a little and my dentist told me they have to come out... then my coverage was lost and it kind of nixed those plans.... now I'm typing this ready to pull my hair out half delusional. 

UPDATE: Fuck I'm still dying here... it feels like someone is constantly drilling deeper and deeper into my tooth. This is one of the more painful things I felt.

UPDATE: I'm going today to get this shit pulled out. Its a wisdom tooth and its still kind of in my gums so this should be really fun. If I wasn't going I would go grab some pliers and do it myself. I was thinking of cutting myself open to take my mind off it.

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