Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Dumbest Question I Ever Asked

Fuck.... I just started watching this show I recorded on "The National Geographic Channel" or as the cool kids call it... "Nat Geo". When I saw this commercial and saw it was a show called "Draining The Ocean", I damn near creamed my pants. Anyone that knows me knows I LOVE deep sea creatures, and thought of seeing those things without water flopping around on the land gave me a hard on. So when I tuned in and and started watching this geographical shit I damn near threw up in disappointment. Fuck was this shit boring.... it kind of reminded me of this "Oceanography" class I took. After 4 weeks of talking about "platetechtonics" (I am not even going to attempt to spell that right) I finally raised my hand and asked, "When we were going to talk about fish and stuff?" And when I was told that this was the wrong class I replied... "This is not what I what I thought I was signing up for."

Which brings me to the title of this post... "The Dumbest Question I Ever Asked". One class we were talking about how the moon effects waves and shit and the lunar effect. I then raised my hand and asked... "How were the tides effected in prehistoric times when we had three moons?" The teacher looked at me dumbfounded holding in laughter. You might be thinking what to yourself what the hell was I on.... See when i was a kid I would see this show like "Land of the Lost" or "The Land Forgotten" or some shit. For some reason in the show the earth had three moons in the sky. I never thought this element of the show was fiction and really thought in prehistoric times if you looked in the sky you could see 3 "moons" or planets. After I asked this question the teacher required me to take a drug test... not really but I do have a story about that form high school.  Man... fuck that Oceanography class.

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