Wednesday, August 19, 2009


You know what pisses me off real fucking bad... When someone is telling you some boring ass story about their job or some technical shit you have no idea what so ever about. While telling their story they are using all these intricate words and lingo that only someone in their field would know the meaning of. I was talking to this guy who used to manage some airport or some shit, and hes telling me this story and naming this equipment. After every equipment he would ask, "Do you know what that is?" To which I would reply yes to keep this story moving and wrap this shit up. I was looking at him and nodding and responding but my mind was in a million different other places. Then one time he responded to my yes with a "Yeah... what is it?" To which I said i had no idea. I'm nice enough to listen to your dumb ass story and now you are going to quiz me? Hang a right on the corner and take a walk down Go Fuck Yourself Avenue.

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