Friday, June 25, 2010

Great Stoner Game

I just thought of this great and easy stoner game you can play with a bunch of friends.

1. Smoke a fat blunt of some great weed. Preferably Haze.

2. Let the high settle in, maybe grab some munchies.

3. Ask one of your friends. "Hey Jim, (friends name) lets pretend for a second. Pretend that you and David (another friend in the room) were chilling in the woods and he got kidnapped or went missing or some shit.(It's important you say it exactly as written) So Say the police come and ask you what he looks like. Give a real description and don't try to be funny."

4. Have him give a description like he would do exactly in that situation, as if he is talking to a real police officer and that friends life rests on this description.

5. Hilarity ensues.

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