Thursday, June 24, 2010

Things that Piss Me Off

2 Things that Piss Me Off...

1. Youtube videos being spoiled by the title. Someone goes, "Dude, you got to check this video out." I turn to the screen and there is the slow build up and then I glance at the title and it reads, "kid flips on bike and cracks open skull." Bam, the video is spoiled. I know exactly where this vid is leading too. No surprise. Imagine if the title of "Sixth Sense" was "Main Character is really dead!!!1!!!!"

2. People with crazy eyes. They should be forced to wear dark sunglasses all the time. How can I look you in the eyes when I talk to you when your are eyes are glancing everywhere. I instinctually glance over to where you are looking to make sure a fucking tiger or something is not running over at us. The whole time I talk to you I'm thinking how fucking crazy your eyes look and hoping I don't have a slip of the tounge. In my head I'm repeadtly saying, "Don't make it noticeable your staring at the eye." Then If I don't maintain eye contact you say I am a rude prick. Fuck you.

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