Thursday, December 06, 2007


Well....we are getting back to normal here at RR. The best way to deal with something like that is to forget it and not talk about it anymore...

Am I an asshole or just a New Yorker? First off a little info...I HATE the Yankees and do not own or would wear a Yankees hat, I am a Mets fan. Now heres the twist....I am going to Boston next week to visit family, and have just borrowed my grandpas Yankee hat to wear while I'm there. I will become a Yankees fan just to piss of the Bostonians. Is that being an asshole or just being a New Yorker? I think its just being an arrogant, cocky, New Yorker. New Yorkers think they are the center of the universe, and they are. Boston is like our little brother who hates being in the shadow. They are always talking about us...but it's funny because we never mention them.

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