Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Who you gonna call? Well the Heath Ledger story gets weirder. Apparently the cleaning lady whatever found him dead and who is the first person she calls? Mary Kate fuckin Olsen! Why? What the hell is she gonna do? Score him more coke?! She would have been better off calling the god damn GhostBusters, speaking of which, it is definetly time to rewatch those classics.

Movie Reviews. No Country for old Men is amazing. It has one of the top villians I have ever seen in a film, and to people complaining about the ending, go back and re watch the film. There Will be Blood...not as good as hyped. The pacing is kind of weird as some parts feel like a music video...Its like basically watching a reality show about living on a oil mill. I'm anxious to see this Cloverfield, I heard its great but i also heard the camera is shaky enough to make one throw up. The monster is some crab thing with a whale mouth and long tail BTW. 

What else....2 shows I recommend...The Steve Wilkos show. The GREATEST talk show of all time. Jerry Springers security guard has his own show and it totally shits on his former bosses. I also reccomend Gangland on The History Channel. Some of these true stories are so crazy if you saw it in a movie it would seem too unbelivable.

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