Tuesday, January 29, 2008


So had school for the first time today this semester. I'm taking this art class with this British guy who teaches....he looks exactly like Phil Collins. This guy is fucking intense man, and this class that is suppose to be some easy credits, actually looks like its going to be a pain in my balls. Today was about all the different colors, and how everything in the world is actually grey (wtf?). Theres a big problem here....having to tell the difference between all the different shades is hard seeing as how I am fucking color blind. And when I say that, people assume I only see in black and white. Who am I Charlie Chaplin? I see colors, its just that I cant tell the difference between some. I guarantee my "disability" will lead to some funny confrontations between me and Phil....I would give my left nut to know what this "red" is people speak of.

This deli by my house wins the douchebaggery of the week award. Days away from the Giants Super Bowl they put this large cut out of Tom Brady in front of the deli. It wasn't purposely a slap in the face, as it is promoting some kind of bootleg vitamin water. As soon as I saw it I knew I had to deface it. So today Im in the book store and I see this huge black sharpie. On the way home I rushed to the deli, but guess what....the mother fuckers took it down. They must've got complaints or someone got to it before me.

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