Wednesday, January 30, 2008

MJ At the Movies.

Cloverfield...... How was it? Some people claim it is the definition of suck, a film with mind numbing camera work, that can dizzy the steadiest man. True? Nope. This aint not Blair Witch here my friends. I remember seeing Blair Witch and yelling in anger through out. At the very end a black guy in front yelled out, "I paid 8 bucks for this shit and I aint see no motha fuckin' witch!" My thoughts exactly.  Well in Cloverfield you do see the monster a lot. And the monster looks like the thing above...that is an artists rendition and it is pretty god damn accurate. Sorry If I just spoiled it for you Beatrice. Ok so the movie starts with typical NYC/Brooklyn yuppie scum being mad emo and shit. It kinda sucks and makes me realize why I want out of this city. Then this mother fucker above pops up and is all like "WHASSSSSUP!" Thats the actual sound the monster makes BTW. If that wasn't bad enough, he also shoots spiders off his body that bite you and make you cry blood. Yup. So what the hell is this monster and why is this movie called Cloverfield? I DONT KNOOOOOOW! No one does quite frankly, probably not even the writer. To me the monster looks crab like with a touch of insect. It appears more alien then anything, not like something that crawled out of the ocean. Speaking of which...this was an early design that floated on the net. 

I actually like that monster now. It looks like something that would be swimming around in the ocean. And it also apparently has a bad case of the crabs that it shoots off itself. Looking at it, i think I prefer this whale looking version. The first looks kinda like a weird dog, this looks like a huge angry whale manatee mother fucker. This one is also a lot bigger. i dont know, the movie was decent...I say out of 4 stars it gets 2 and a half...very entertaining. I would see a sequel that explains more.

UPDATE: Ok...actually the explanation of how the monster came about is out there on the net. I remember before this movie came out like 5 websites were made by the company that made little to no sense. Most were mainly japanese companies. They also created like 20 full myspace pages with music, friends, and comments, all giving more and more back info into the characters. If you read all that and the japanese sites, it basically describes how this evil japanese company found this monster at the bottom of the sea. There are even characters in the film who appear for a second but have major side stories going on on the internet. Pretty cool if I say so myself. Here is one of the films sites...also the weirdest....  SLUSHO!

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