Monday, March 09, 2009

Interesting Shits...

Some tidbits from a cool site....

The story behind the Nike "swoosh" logo. Who came up with the infamous Nike "swoosh" logo? It was actually designed by a female Portland State University student who received $35 from the founder of Nike to create the logo. Yes, you read that right. A lousy $35. But after Nike became successful they decided to give her some stock in the company along with a gold Nike ring. The swoosh logo is supposed to represent the wing of the Greek Goddess "Nike" who was the Goddess of Victory.

Jordan almost became a New York Knick. In Spike Lee's book, Best Seat in the House, Spike tells the story of how in late 1996 he and MJ were talking after shooting a commercial together. Spike asked MJ if there was ever a chance he could have left the Bulls and gone to the Knicks. MJ said, "There was a chance." Spike couldn't believe it. MJ went on to say, "Before I signed with Chicago last year, after we won, it came down to 30 minutes. New York was right downstairs. The Bulls---all they had to do was mess up." What Jordan meant by that is if Jerry Reinsdorf, the owner of the Bulls, had made an insulting offer MJ would have walked away and signed with the Knicks. Thankfully, the Bulls offered Jordan $30 million for a one year contract and the legend continued.

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