Saturday, August 25, 2007


I was always very pro smoking. I always thought a cig after a long hard day was just as good as a beer. It started out very casually, I only smoke when I drink. Then I found myself adding things. I need a smoke while I'm driving, and you have to have a smoke after I eat. Still no problem, except for the money, because cigs are expensive. In the back of my mind I always wanted to quit completly, but never had the will power. So tonight, I come home after a night of drinking, and can't stop from coughing. I go in the bathrrom and cough up something red. Was I drinking kool-aid? Did I eat strawberry sherbet? I look over it and realize its blood. Thats the only warning sign I need. I am finito..done. Honestly I'm going to try and never touch one....its going to be hard but I think I can do it. Its all about the willpower! I would also like to quit drinking but that will NEVER happen. I need something positive in my life.

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