Thursday, August 30, 2007


These 2 albums are dropping on Tuesday. 50 cents "Curtis", and Kanye Wests "Graduation". They have developed somewhat of a rival over whose album is gonna sell better. I have heard both, and I can 100 percent say that Kanyes is light years better then Curtis. 50's album sounds like any other one of his albums, or any other one of G-Units album. Its boring, every song sounds the same, all the lyrics are the same, and the production is pretty bad too. Now banging Dre beats I noticed. It mite actually be 50's weakest album. Now on for Kanye's Graduation. I love this album. It has such a upbeat feel to it. You have some real uplifters, and some songs that are just mad mellow. On this album you can actually tell the difference between songs. Kanye's back to using sampling and this new album sounds a lot more like "College Dropout". I think its better then "Late Registration" but not as good as "College Dropout", which is a classic. Kanyes album is VERY good. 50 Cents album is whats wrong with hip hop, and why Nas claimed Hip Hop was dead. Dont support that idiot. Im gonna go delete that garbage off my computer.

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