Monday, September 03, 2007

Labor Day!

What the hell is Labor Day? Does anyone really know what the fuck we are celebrating. From my understanding, it could basically be called "Lazy Fucks Day", or for me, "Monday". HA HA HA! So Labor Day means that you are absolutely not going to do any work....I think thats called being black. HA HA HA! Thats actually a stereotype, and speaking of which, the blacks have it the best when it comes to stereotypes...Lets see...Great Athletes, Huge Cocks, and Lazy...That sounds like a perfect description of me...maybe I'm actually black? Oh yeah and they talk during movies. Where was I? Oh yeah. Labor Day. Maybe it actually means your suppose to do more labor. If its a day off, shouldn't it be called "No Labor Day"? Fuck this backwards ass country.

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