Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Im bored. When I'm bored I like to think about important stuff; Stuff like this.

- The other day I was smoking some marijuana. I dont smoke often anymore, and when I do, I get the munchies like a mother fucker. So I decided it was time for some English Mother Fuckin Muffin Pizzas! I really wanted to throw some pepperoni on top tho. I scrimmaged the fridge with no luck. I found salami tho. This got me to thinking. If I cook this salami will it turn into pepperoni? What the hell happens to salami if you cook it?? Has anyone ever tried this? I seriously doubt it.

- Alaska has straight up darkness for like a month. Am I the only one that finds that awesome? As a matter of fact, I LOVED the New York blackout. I think New York should have a "Black Out" day once a year.

- How great is string cheese. It is addictive like crack coccaine. I honestly don't know ONE person who does not like string cheese. Polly-O bitch!

- Have you ever went to make a call and accidently called someone you haven't talked to in years? And then you feel bad telling them, "Sorry, Wrong person." Its a pretty akward situation.

- God aint perfect...even he makes mistakes. Case in point: The uncircumsciced penis.

-I was at a club the other day and Rob Base was there performing. Whos that you ask? It takes two to make a thing go right.

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