Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Fuck-a the Halo 3!
Do you remeber when you actually played video games? Not just sat there and watched cinemas. Do you remeber when you didn't have to wear a headset and talk to some douchebag from West Bubblefuck? Do you remeber the mother fucking Brothers Mario?! Huh? Fuck Halo 3. People are waiting in line for that garbage..I swear to god, now a days people will wait in line for any fucking thing. Playstation 3, iPhone, Star Wars, even Harry F'N Potter. I played the original Halo once, and I felt like Ozzy Osbourne trying to work his televison console. After 5 minutes I was searching for Pac Man. I must confess, I like video games...I own a Wii and can not wait for the new Mario...but mainly I'm a sports gamer. I have come to the conclusion however that I prefer 2-D games to 3-D ones. To me video game companies are trying to make movies, not video games...Less story and more gameplay.

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