Saturday, September 15, 2007

Morgellons Disease

There is this "disease" called "Morgellons Syndrome". The thing is, it hasn't been recognized by any medical community. People who "have it" claim that they feel thousands of bugs crawling under their skin and that their are fibers under their skin. It gives people rashes, deep red open wounds. Former Oakland A's pitcher Billy Koch, and his family claim to have it. There is apparently no cure for it. People are even claiming its a govermental disease that is being hidden. The people inflicted even claims that they can see these parasites and fibers. Heres som info from a news website:

"What sounds like a science fiction movie is actually real life for the unlucky people who have contracted the disease which leaves painful sores all over the body. The sores ooze blue fibers, white threads and little black specks of sand-like material.
The worst part, patients say, is the creepy and constant sensation of bugs crawling under their skin."

And heres some hick describing the insane shit she did:
Becky Bailey moved out of her Austin, Texas home and into a trailer hoping to escape the bugs that torment her.
"We ripped out our carpet and burned our carpet and furniture and move out into our R-V and they were still one me." HA HA! Becky Bailey...thats such a porn star name!

You wanna know what these people really have? They have a fuckin case of the crazies! This is paranoid schizophrenia. Go to "youtube" and type in Morgellons disease. You will see a lot of videos of arms and hairs under a microsope, and "apparently" you can see some fibers or bugs. Guess what? If you are sane you will not see shit. And I love how one person gets it and then the whole family gets it. Its because the crazy bastard is spreading his crazy bullshit. You hang out with a cripple and you start to walk with a limp. These people are literally pulling shit out of their skin, leaving wounds. I'm gonna post a picture of an infected person...somewhat graphic...

This is insanity. Most doctors even refuse to treat this disease because it is FAKE! These crazies who claim to have it deserve to scracth themselves to death. What got me started on this rant? Well, I just saw the movie, "Bug". Even though it doesn't outright say it, it is based on this "disease" and is a pretty bad ass movie. Heres also a youtube video of a news report on this. The bottom line is this..I bet you, if you make a professional looking webiste, with fake photos talking about some crazy disease, and list will get replies from people claiming to have this disease. I am POSITIVE of this.

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