Saturday, September 22, 2007

Drugs are bad

This is why you shouldn't do drugs kids. Use Macho Man Randy Savage as an example of what happens when you use drugs. This might be the most drug induced interview I have ever seen. Savage is on drugs in this video that haven't even been invented yet. Lets look at some of the funnier things he says..

"Situations develop man!"

"You put me against the wall man!"

"Last night.... I stared at a candle for about 2 hours and clapped my hands together!" (Huh?)

"When I get you down in the ring, I'm gonna make you say it! I'm gonna make you crawl to your knees and say, "please let me go!" and then I'm not going to. Take me off the air! Take me off the air!"

I love how it ends with Macho Man reaching the peek of his trip and yelling at the camera man to take him off the air. No one could tell that this man is having a drug induced nervous breakdown while they are filming him?


Continuing with the last post of Joe Pesci, I have found another gem. Did you know Joe Pesci was a gangsta rapper complete with a music video? Of course you did. Well here it is. The MOST gangsta rap video in existence. This is a true gem.

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