Monday, January 26, 2009


I was sitting around thinking and it hit me.... "Fuck... The stupid Super Bowl is Sunday". I have NEVER cared less about a Super Bowl. I do not want too watch it but feel obliged. I could give not a shit about this game and would be very happy if it was just canceled. And for those of you thinking I'm just a bitter Giants fan... not true at all. After last years miracolous win the Giants could not have won one game and I would be happy. This years is like a really crappy sequel to an Oscar winning movie. You could not have picked 2 shittier boring teams. Two teams with absolutely no stars (besides for Fitzgerald, who lacks personality tho). I would have liked the Eagles vs. Ravens, but this is terrible. I'm thinking of doing one of the most Un-American acts of all time and skip the Super Bowl this year... Yup. Sometimes I find a saving grace in the halftime show, but I dislike Bruce Springsteen too. Everyone is a loser in this years Super Bowl.

I went to hell today. I was at school from 10 Am to 8 Pm, with one hour break. That is inhumane... A part of my soul has died, I could feel it. I am positive now that I have developed ADD.... I think it came about in highschool. It was 4 classes... 

The first class is African American studies and might be taught by the most charismatic, well-spoken teacher I have ever seen. He is mesmerizing and has this swagger to him where it is impossible not to pay attention.... he reminds me of a more ghetto Obama.... maybe more Malcolm X. He has had to have had training in public relations, because he uses too many techniques a politician uses. I would vote for him. 

Then we have investigative reporting. By the time this class rolls around I have put some chemicals in my body (some upper drink) and am bouncing off the walls. 

Then comes the American People 1. I'm still alright and getting by, trying somewhat to participate in class.

Finally its American People 2... in the same room, with the same teacher. This is where my soul dies. I crashed and crashed hard. I fidget around like I have tourettes and stare blankly at the teacher pretending to listen. My eyes must be the emptiness things ever seen and in my head I hear voices yelling the most obscene combination of curse words over and over again. Some of the curses have not even been invented yet. I had an urge to yell out "FUCK!" as loud as possible during the middle of class and honestly had to resist the temptation.

There is no way I will be able to pull this off the whole semester. I will try, but who am I kidding.

One other thing... for everyone that thinks they are a "drunk", I'm watching Intervention and they have this guy on who's a true drunk right now. He gets so wasted he winds up in the hospital and they tell him he has done so much damage that one single drink can be fatal. So what does he do then..... He sees hand sanitizer in the room and realizes it has alcohol in it, so he goes and drinks that. That is a drunk.

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