Tuesday, January 13, 2009

 The Maspeth without the Meeeeee! Is like the Bible without the Jeeeeeeez! Simple as that. I took some of my "medicine" tunite cause i wanted to see whats up. Some of the medicine goes in the mouth and other is smoked. If you want to be a writer this is what you do...... Get your "stone" on and then go look in a mirror. Look at your self for the first time. Its not your reflection, the drugs have allowed you to obtain the eyes of the stranger. For the first time you are seeing yourself how others see you. The drugs have made you somewhat delusional and now you can finally witness your own fiery spirit hidden deep in the eyes. That spirit is lost when looking into a mirror. Your eyes dont get transfixed to any one blemish or pimple. This is not you looking at your face, knowing every single knook and crany..... this is a stranger staring at you for the first time. What do you see? Do you see intensity. Eyes that burn and look to conquer the world. A read aura that glows about your face. I could suddenly see what I truly am. I saw the youth that I thought I had lost. I found a young fresh face who's eyes are always burning with intensity and who borders on maniacal. I saw youth, will, drive.....fire. I liked what I saw. I liked it a lot. I want to see that everyday. I'm hungry guys!.... I'm just about starving! I look at my face and I can damn near see the hunger bursting through my skin. A fireball stuck in my brain that is dying to burst free and get shot out of my mouth. I'm ready to eat! I did what needed to be done and got my lips wet.... but now I want the full course! You can't give me a taste and take it away from me. 2009 is the year that I finally eat.... that WE finally eat. I can see the dish being prepared from here... very fancy foods all alligned on the plate... A California Egg Roll, mixed with a South Beach Soft Crab, mixed with some petron.... A  lifestyle I have tasted before.... but I just had small portions.... this time i want the full friggin' course!
I wear my desire like I wear my skin. Its all over me, its all I fucking think about it. Dreaming of the creative..... tinkering out a storyline... adding a character trait... making these characters me... breathing as them.. and observing  every little thing about the inspiration... how they walk, talk, and fart! This next film will be dedicated to my neighborhood. This film will also introduce many strangers to come take a visit to Maspeth, Queens, and get to hang out with this assortment of Screwball characters that form "Seb". Thats what it basically is. A film that brings strangers into my neighborhood through on character. If Maspeth and every citizen could manifest into one human being... it would be "Seb". In this film... the viewer is basically experiencing a documentary of the Town of Maspeth by watching "Seb". "Seb" is more then a documentary... he is a character study of Psychology. So basically I'm making a movie tentatively titled "The Janitor", which contains a documentary on the town of Maspeth wrapped up and disguised as the character called "Seb". Shit... I'm changing the name to Sam... cause Sam backwards is Mas....Mas-peth. So there is my film for Maspeth, even though it doesn't take place there. What else can I ramble about here... I am in rare spirits.

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