Monday, February 18, 2008


I know I like to joke around here at RR, but this is a serious post. In my country there is problem...and that problem is internet gaming. Yessir. It is the devil. Im talking about those Everquest type games. The type that run off addiction. Some people are worse with that shit then drugs. Ok.... I'm lying. I could care less about those assclowns. This is just an excuse to post one of the funniest news articles ever.

This Chinese guy played a god damn internet game for 3 days straight and died! HA HA HA! How can you not realize your dying of thirst or starvation? Shit, I liked Mario Bros. a lot but even I would pause to take a piss. And I also love the fact that the owners of the internet cafe he died in didn't even realize this. They didn't realize this guy was playing for 3 days straight and not sleeping, eating, or drinking. I read somewhere else he wasnt even using the bathroom. What the hell game was he playing? Probably Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers.

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