Saturday, February 09, 2008


I am outraged! One of my favorite shows ever, "Inside the NFL", has just be cancelled by HBO. I was so fucking furious that i felt the need to write HBO a letter, because quite frankly they are fucking up bad. Here is the letter I sent...

How could you cancel one of the greatest shows on your network? Of course I am referring to "Inside the NFL", the only other original program I enjoy on your network besides "Entourage". With "Sopranos" now gone, and "Inside The NFL" following, I really don't see a reason to keep HBO. This was a "bonehead decision", which HBO seems to be making a lot of lately. After you screwed the DeadWood and Carnivale fans, you decide to put on that softcore porn show which is not even worth naming. And add to that the terribly borning "Big Love", I rather watch "John from Cincinatti" for Christs Sake. This is a network I always considered top of the line, but now, it is definetly second to Showtime. You are about to lose a couple of lifetime subscribers.

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