Friday, February 01, 2008

The Wrestler.

Just got back from Jersey and had an awesome experience. It appears that yours truly will be an extra in the new Aronofsky film, "The Wrestler". Aronofsky directed "Requiem for a Dream", and one of my favorites, "The Fountain". This movie stars Mickey Rourke and is about a broken down wrestler who went from the big time to the very small time. It just read Marissa Tomei is gonna be the female lead too. So anyway, we drove down to jersey to this little rinky dink like ballroom, where this wrestling show was being held. in between matches the crew and Mickey would come out and film some stuff. They got some good shots of me and my friends going nuts yelling and a close up of me yelling, "Your a bum!" I hope some of our stuff makes it in. We put a lot of energy into this role. Rourke was looking huge BTW. He must be on that Stallone diet of HGH.

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