Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Just got back from the NY Giants parade or as I like to call it, mayhem. Thats basically what it was. It was very reminiscent of a scene from Cloverfield. Organized chaos. Groups of people gathered together, cheering and waiting, and waiting. I jumped up on some poor saps van and all of us basically collapsed it, but about 1,000 dollars worth of damage. We were in the one spot, then we were told the giants aren't coming that way. So we then go somewhere else, and the same thing happened again. It was everyone running from one spot to another, and I didn't see one god damn Giant. We wound up in some bar which became the most popping place in the city. That is where the true magic happened, with toasting champagne and throwing glasses around. Despite not seeing one single Giant, I had a great time at the parade.

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