Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I enjoying talking to people like I'm 80 years older then I actually am. I enjoy starting a sentence with, "Back in my day....." Back in my day we had cassettes, none of this itunes. We couldn't just download one song, we had to buy the whole album! And if you wanted to hear a certain song, you couldn't just push a button, but had to search for it for about half an hour. Isn't that crazy? It took me longer to find a song then to now download an entire album. Shit....when I was a kid there was no internet. I'm very happy I grew up as a kid without the internet. The internet ruins childhoods. I don't see any kids playing out on the streets anymore. I remember we used to live on the block....playing baseball, basketball, manhunt, you name it. I remember coming home and turning on ESPN and waiting through every NCAA score and what not to see if the Knicks won. I couldn't just turn on my computer and find out in a second. I miss these simpler times. I actually used to have to go to this thing called a library to find out information. Everything is so fucking easy now a days. And we wonder why everybody is so fat. Its getting weird.....I can't even imagine what is to come. I don't even want to imagine.

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