Monday, June 23, 2008

Ask Sonic

This is the new feature here that will appear once a month. To celebrate its launch this is the second one I'm posting.... then you assholes have to wait a month. Sonic really needs no introduction. He is the "bad boy of the 90's", and a frequent "visitor" of many a prison. 

Dear Sonic,

I was just curious to find out what are some of your favorite hobbies? What do you in your spare time to chillax?

Richmond, VA

SONIC: I remember when we were in the showers in the pen. This n*gga Donkey Kong walks in, and I swear to God, I thought a black midget was walking between his legs. That n*gga washed next to me and I made damn sure to hold that soap as tight as I wanted to keep my asshole, you know what I'm sayin? Wait... what was the question?

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